Why Consider Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

How does it aid in the recovery of traumatic brain injuries, strokes, chronic fatigue, Lyme Disease, and other conditions? What other treatments can you do in conjunction to fully optimize your health? All of these questions and more are answered here!

[ A step into the future]

Vitaeris 320® Hyperbaric Chamber

Vitaeris320® is a favorite among physicians, parents, celebrities, and professional athletes. Our most popular portable design, the chamber comes with a 32" diameter to accommodate two adults for self-treatment. The air-in ports have been strategically planned and placed to ensure proper airflow inside the compartment. The tamper-proof pressure regulators assist in maintaining proper air pressure during treatments. The three large patient viewing windows light up the interiors of the chamber. The perfect combination of durability, comfort, and the highest medical standards, the Vitaeris320® is everyone's first choice.

How does HBOT work?

HBOT helps wound healing by bringing oxygen-rich plasma to tissue starved for oxygen. Wound injuries damage the body's blood vessels, which release fluid that leaks into the tissues and causes swelling. This swelling deprives the damaged cells of oxygen, and tissue starts to die. HBOT reduces swelling while flooding the tissues with oxygen. The elevated pressure in the chamber increases in the amount of oxygen in the blood. HBOT aims to break the cycle of swelling, oxygen starvation, and tissue death.

HBOT prevents "reperfusion injury." That's the severe tissue damage that happens when the blood supply returns to the tissues after they have been deprived of oxygen. When blood flow is interrupted by a crush injury, for instance, a series of events inside the damaged cells leads to the release of harmful oxygen radicals. These molecules can do damage to tissues that can't be reversed and cause the blood vessels to clamp up and stop blood flow. HBOT encourages the body's oxygen radical scavengers to seek out the problem molecules and allow healing to continue.

HBOT helps block the action of harmful bacteria and strengthens the body's immune system. HBOT can disable the toxins of certain bacteria. It also increases oxygen concentration in the tissues. This helps them resist infection. In addition, the therapy improves the ability of white blood cells to find and destroy invaders.

HBOT encourages the formation of new collagen (connective tissue) and new skin cells. It does so by encouraging new blood vessel formation. It also stimulates cells to produce certain substances, like vascular endothelial growth factor. These attract and stimulate endothelial cells necessary for healing.

What happens during HBOT session?

People relax, sit, or lie comfortably in these chambers and take deep breaths in sessions that last up to 2 hours. Your ears may feel plugged as the pressure is raised, like when you're in an airplane or the mountains. Simple swallowing or chewing gum will "pop" the ears back to normal hearing levels. Your blood carries the extra oxygen throughout the body, infusing the injured tissues that need more oxygen so they can begin healing. When a session is complete, you may feel lightheaded. Mild side effects include claustrophobia, fatigue, and headaches.

[Several sessions may be needed, depending on your consultation]

What are the possible side effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy?

While side-effects of this treatment are uncommon, some patients have reported feeling mild cases, most of which resolve on their own once the treatment is completed. The most common side-effects include:

1. Sinus pain – this is due to increased pressure as described above. Any air-filled cavity in your body can feel the effects of a pressure change. Your therapist will discuss this with you prior to your treatment and instruct you on ear-clearing techniques.

2. Claustrophobia – this is the most common side-effect reported. It is also the most predictable. If you don’t generally feel claustrophobic in small spaces, you likely will not find the oxygen chamber claustrophobic.

3. Ear Pain – it is not unusual to feel pressure but it is not normal to have pain. This is why it is important to inform your therapist if you have a cold, flu, sinus or ear infection, or water trapped in the ear. If you experience even mild pain, you should inform the therapist who can decrease or halt the pressure change and help guide you with ear-clearing techniques.

4. Fatigue – while many patients report feeling energized following hyperbaric oxygen therapy, some feel drained and sleepy. This may be due to the hyperactivity of your mitochondria which are working very hard during your session.